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JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces. Sensualidad Superheroica

JKB Fletcher ha creado esta serie de pinturas que representan a mujeres hermosas con el cuerpo pintado, homenajeando a superhéroes como Superman, Hulk o Flash. Óleo sobre lienzo, sus pinturas, metahiperrealistas, hipnotizan en un continuo viaje de ida y vuelta...
JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces.

JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces.

JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces.

JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces.

JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces.

JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces.

JKB Fletcher. Dirty Faces.

JKB Fletcher
In the Flesh

JKB Fletcher. In the Flesh
In the Flesh

©JKB Fletcher | web
Dirty Faces
A series of oil paintings depicting a figure painted in contemporary superhero colours. The superheroes symbolise the archetype of 'the hero', soul, spirit and personal reflection. The flesh or skin represents people or a person. The process for this series involves painting a model in face paint; the paint is placed on the model in a crude manner to resemble the superhero. A photo shoot is staged and an image is chosen and painted in oil on linen.

4 comentarios :

  1. Me he quedado con la boca abierta. !No puedo creer que sean pinturas! Que realismo tan impactante. Asombrosamente maravilloso!! Gracias

  2. Pues me quedo con la segunda.... fantasticas todas, jeje

  3. ESPECTACULAR. Un placer para los ojos.


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