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Newsweek. The politics of sex

Los editores de Newsweek tuvieron verdaderos quebraderos de cabeza a la hora de escoger la portada del numero en el que publicarian el articulo 'The Politics of sex' de Andrew Sullivan. A continuacion se pueden ver las rechazadas...

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

Newsweek. The politics of sex. Rejected

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Newsweek. The politics of sex
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