Educación sentimental para la niña de tus ojos

Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Pintor, dibujante y escultor ruso nacido en 1974, Alexey Morozov se graduó en la Academia estatal Instituto de Arte Surikov de Moscú(taller de Lev Kerbel). Morozov cree que la civilización europea se lo debe todo a su pasado, y desea volver a sus posiciones frente a la alegoría, el mito y las escenas históricas con el fin de descubrir un nuevo significado. El arte de Alexey Morozov demuestra que las formas clásicas no han muerto, y que las tradiciones y las innovaciones pueden coexistir entre ellas. malditoinsolente

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Doctor Ojiplatico. Alexey Morosov Artist. Caryatide Supersonic

Alexey Morozov
Alexey Morozov (born 1974) graduated from the Moscow State Academic Surikov Art Institute (workshop of Lev Kerbel). In 1999 he went to Provence to study classical sculpture and French terracotta. A year later, Alexey started his collaborationwith the artist Timur Novikov, the founder in St. Petersburg of the New Academy of Fine Art. In 2003 Morozov had two solo exhibitions in St. Petersburg:inD-137 Gallery — «Craft Deco_classic» and in the New Academy — «Craft Deco_academic». In Moscow the artist’s work has been shown at a number of group exhibitions, and he is represented by Triumph Gallery. Today, the artist lives and works in Moscow and Bologna.
Morozov believes that European civilization must more often refer to the past, and revisit its positions towards allegory, myth and historical scenes in order to discover a new meaning. The art of Alexey Morozov proves that classical forms have not died, and that traditions andinnovations may well coexist.

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