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Omer Ben David. For The Remainder

Omer Ben David. For The Remainder

For The Remainder es el título del cortometraje realizado por el artista israelí Omer Ben David, un cortometraje recomendable debido a una estética que lo hace único. La película establece la historia de un gato de una casa vieja que se despide de su casa, su propietario y el mundo que él conocía. Utilizando un diseño 3D y técnicas pictóricas, esta película transmite una atmósfera especia gracias a las pinceladas de las que se compone.

Omer Ben David. For The Remainder

For The Remainder is the title of the film by the Israeli artist Omer Ben David, a short film that we recommend because of its aesthetic that makes it unique. The movie sets the story of a cat in an old house that says goodbye to his house, its owner and the world he knew. Using a 3D design and painting techniques, this film conveys a special atmosphere thanks to the strokes of which it is composed.

An atmospheric and vague, painterly animated short that envisions a view upon an old house cat who bids farewell to his home in his final moments. Done as my graduation film from Bezalel Art Academy. ----
Story: Omer Ben David & Or Garmolin Soundtrack: onili ( ----
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©Omer Ben David

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