Educación sentimental para la niña de tus ojos

Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

Annie Sprinkle expone en Bosom Ballet una serie de fotografías en blanco y negro, en las cuales ella misma figura manipulando y moviendo sus senos con sus manos cubiertas por elegantes guantes negros, como para ir a la ópera. De este modo, logra crear un ballet imaginario con sus pechos, haciendo que su torso se transforme en una especie de escultura móvil.
La autora combina arte y pornografía en sus trabajos reivindicando su antiguo oficio de prostituta. En sus 'performances' hace uso de su propio cuerpo tratando, según ella, de desmitificar la anatomía femenina.
Su posición radical ha causado varias controversias entre el público, pues esta mujer se ha comprometido valientemente a apoyar incluso a las 'trabajadoras del sexo' y aboga por que tengan un mejor seguro de salud.
Con sentido del humor y muchísima honradez Sprinkle convierte todo lo que toca en una celebración de la dignidad del deseo. 
 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

 Annie Sprinkle's Bosom Ballet

© Annie Sprinkle | Annie

The Bosom Ballet is a performance in which I stretch, pinch, squeeze, twist, rock, roll, and jiggle my breasts to music, usually “The Blue Danube Waltz,” under a pink spotlight. I wear opera-length black gloves and a tutu. Over the years I have also done various other styles of bosom dance. There was the Bosom Tap Dance, which I performed in a nightclub off Broadway. I glued taps all over my boobs and fingertips and amplified the sound as I tapped away. Then there was the Bosom Ballet Folklorico I did to Peruvian music at a party on Puerto Rican day. 
In Slovenia, home to Lawrence Welk’s forebears, I did the Bosom Polka with a real live polka band on national television. (On the same show—Slovenia’s version of the David Letterman Show—my girlfriend Kimberley Silver and I performed Slovenia’s first televised lesbian kiss.) In Berlin, I did the Bosom Samba with a live samba band in a football stadium during half-time (something I would never be allowed do in the U.S.A.).The Bosom Ballet can be viewed in several movies, on the cover of the European edition of The History of the Breast, on a fancy poster by Art Unlimited, in a photo illustration in a Japanese magazine, next to Edward Weston’s photos in a classy Aperture photography book called Master Breast, and in a limited-edition black-and-white photographic work in art galleries. The Bosom Ballet was hands-down my most successful and versatile multimedia whore project.

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