Noma Bar es un ilustrador israelí que utiliza muy eficazmente el espacio negativo para crear algunas ilustraciones increibles. Sus obras, tan simples como inteligentes, impresionan.
Nacido en 1973 y graduado en la Academia
Bezalel de Arte y Diseño en el año 2000, desde 2001, ha estado trabajando en Londres con gran cantidad de grandes nombres y medios de comunicación, como: Vodafone, Coca Cola, la BBC, The Observer, The Economist, entre otros. Bar ha ilustrado más de sesenta portadas de revistas, publicó más de 550 ilustraciones y ha publicado dos libros: '
Guess Who – The Many Faces of Noma Bar' y 'Negative Space'.
Risk addicts for Financial times |
Voice Your View for The Guardian |
Voice Your View for The Guardian |
Voice Your View for The Guardian |
Murakami, After Dark for Vintage/Random House |
Murakami, Norwegian Wood for Vintage/Random House |
Time Out covers |
Time Out covers |
Israeli-born Noma Bar studied graphic design and typography at the Jerusalem Academy of Art & Design before moving to London in 2001.
Describing his craft as visual communication, combining the skills of artist, illustrator and designer, Noma states he's "after the maximum communication with minimum elements”. His two stunning and highly acclaimed books, The Many Faces of Noma Bar and Negative Space have become a must have for the design industry. He has exhibited worldwide, including solo shows in London, New York and Paris.
In September 2011 his London Design Festival exhibition “Cut It Out”, was selected as one of the highlights of the festival. The project was nominated in the graphics category for the Design Museum, Designs Of the Year 2012.
Noma's work has become well known throughout the world, winning various industry awards. more recently the prestigious Yellow Pencil award at the D&AD Professional Awards 2012 for his series of Don DeLilo covers, created with London design studio It's Nice That.
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