Trevor Young es un pintor esencialmente estadounidense sin reparos para demostrar su amor por los símbolos de la cultura del automóvil, de la vida en la carretera, y del arte de la Costa Oeste de los 60.
©Trevor Young
via laboiteverte
Trevor Young is a quintessentially American painter. In his current show,Premium, Young makes no bones about his affection for the trappings of car culture, life on the road, and 1960s West Coast art. His main subject is modernism’s footprint on the outposts of Americana—places typified by harsh artificial light and hard shadows on concrete. The show makes clear that for Young, despite the contemporary art world’s preferences for irony, disjunction, and tongue-in-cheek intellectual gamesmanship, painting is at its best when it attempts to offer an unpretentious accounting of where and how we live our day-to-day lives. Written by Jeffery Cudlin Trevor Young from Brave Man Media
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