Educación sentimental para la niña de tus ojos

La Veuve Caillou. Agnes Patron

Doctor Ojiplático. La Veuve Caillou. Agnes Patron

Crujidos en la montaña. La viuda Caillou rompe la madera, es lo único que le queda. A no ser que se vaya con los que están durmiendo al fondo de su memoria. La Veuve Caillou es el proyecto de graducación de Agnes Patron

Doctor Ojiplático. La Veuve Caillou. Agnes Patron

Doctor Ojiplático. La Veuve Caillou. Agnes Patron

Doctor Ojiplático. La Veuve Caillou. Agnes Patron

Film : Agnès Patron | vimeo
Son & musique originale : Pierre Oberkampf

 Synopsis :  
Craquements dans la montagne. La veuve Caillou casse du bois, et il ne lui reste que ça. A moins qu'elle n'aille rejoindre ceux qui dorment au fond de sa mémoire...

Mountains resound with bird cries as a strong wind blows through the gorges. The widow Caillou is climbing up to a house where she lives all by herself. She chops up several logs to keep her company. She has lost everything else. She puts one log into a child’s bed and immerses herself in memories...
AniFest Grand Prix
"Argument: A beautiful, poetic, moving visualization of the author’s very personal tale."

Top five female animators at MIAF :
"Simple yet deeply moving animation is Agnes Patron’s speciality, and viewers will be in for a treat with the atmospheric Widow Caillou (La Veuve Caillou), a darkly etched style of animation complimented by an understated piano soundtrack by Pierre Oberkampf. Produced by École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, the film tells the story of a widow splitting a few logs – all she has left."

Premio Internazionale SImona Gesmundo Corti d'Animazione : "Great correspondence between theme and technique, with strong dramatic notes and expressive maturity. "

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